
Quadrant 2 Activities for Bloggers

Quadrant 2 Activities for Bloggers

Feeling a little lost? Maybe just a tad bit stuck? Do you need ideas on what to do next?

Quadrant 2 deals with areas of planning for things that are important, but are not urgent. Activities in this quadrant are for personal and professional development where you focus on your long-term goals. Generally, they are action items that people procrastinate on.

I have a list of activities that you can add to your to-do list.

Risk Assessments for Grant Proposals with a Free Template

Risk Assessments for Grant Proposals with a Free Template

There is a local granting body called Ontario Trillium Foundation that requires a risk assessment as a part of their grant applications. In my opinion, they are ahead of the curve with this requirement because it helps the grantee think of all the possible risks that could pop-up along a project.

Here are 4 big steps you can take towards risk management planning.

#Winning: Accept, Enhance, Share, or Exploit Positive Risks in your Risk Assessment

#Winning: Accept, Enhance, Share, or Exploit Positive Risks in your Risk Assessment

In projects, risks aren't all doom and gloom. They can also fall on the positive side of the spectrum - benefiting you, your organization, your stakeholders, etc. In every risk planning session I host, we always make time to brainstorm positive risks and you should too.

Here are 4 techniques you can implement to benefit from the positive risks.

How-To Create a Production Timeline for Emerging Filmmakers in Google Spreadsheets in 8.5 Steps

How-To Create a Production Timeline for Emerging Filmmakers in Google Spreadsheets in 8.5 Steps

This mini-tutorial isn't limited to filmmakers, it is for anyone who needs a high-level (or overview) of their project. Regardless of your project, if this is your end goal, check out the step-by-step tutorial

Response Strategies to Negative Risks or Threats: Avoid, Transfer, Mitigate, Accept

Response Strategies to Negative Risks or Threats: Avoid, Transfer, Mitigate, Accept

The Apocalypse. 

Some of us plan for it. Some of us don't.

When running a project, risks can become issues in the blink of an eye and it can feel like the end of the world. This is why it is extremely important to plan ahead. Let's plan together! 

Let's pretend that you are working on a project and already identified your risks, we will move on to the stage of responding to the risks. 

There are 4 ways to deal with negative risks.

The Physiological Response to Procrastination

The Physiological Response to Procrastination

I am guilty of doing it and you, dear reader, are probably guilty of it too.


After every session I would tell myself, "never again", but lo and behold the following semester I found myself cramming in last-minute information for exams or furiously typing an assignment.

List of 500+ Stakeholders

List of 500+ Stakeholders

Stakeholders have the power to:

  • provide funding or take it away
  • fill your workshops/events/exhibitions/etc. or leave them empty
  • offer major decisions that push the organization forward or into the ground
  • execute the project deliverables or completely screw up the deliverables
  • manage project team members' progress or allow the project to run awry
  • keep your vision/mission alive or completely skew your mission/vision

Auditing a Closed Project: Questions That Address 47 Processes

Auditing a Closed Project: Questions That Address 47 Processes

Below are some of the questions I've asked other project managers in regards to their closed projects:

  • What were the biggest headaches with the project you supported?
  • If you could do it again, what aspects would you change?
  • How did you deal with team members that stopped communicating?
  • How much did planning help with the project?
  • What last minute surprises occurred that threw you off guard?
  • What were some great outcomes of the project?

Success: Step by Step - Weekly Goals

Success: Step by Step - Weekly Goals

As ya'll know, I've been laying out 2016 with the help of this fabulous article. Melissa Joy Kong shares:

When you break your monthly sub-goals down like this, you basically create a detailed road map for making stuff happen. It seems so obvious, but no one plans like this. That’s why most people fail (in addition to not creating strategies to eradicate triggers that lead to wasting time).

Success: Step by Step - Monthly Goals

Success: Step by Step - Monthly Goals

As 2015 dwindles to a close, I made more time to lay out my 2016 path. As a Capricorn I have a tendency to want to control as much as possible - this year taught me to be flexible and create guidelines instead of having strict expectations. Last time I outlined my yearly goals with the help and guidance of a fantastic article. As you probably already see, my large goals for 2016 are (1 - 60%) learning and research; (2 - 30%) employment and saving; (3 - 10%) health changes.