
Mario Kart & Milestones

Mario Kart & Milestones

In Mario Kart, a milestone would be completing a lap.
Similarly, in a project (for example a stock photo project) a list of milestones can include: 

  • mood board/concept finalized
  • legal forms signed
  • photo editing complete
  • website submission done

In order to complete each milestone, we have a series of actions or activities that must be completed before we reach a milestone.

"Chunking" Sounds More Fun than Work Breakdown Structure

"Chunking" Sounds More Fun than Work Breakdown Structure

Before I even knew what project management was, I was simply breaking down my big goals into step-by-step processed and called it chunking. Now we have fancy smancy terms for it.

Chunking = the hierarchical decomposition of a project

List of 500+ Stakeholders

List of 500+ Stakeholders

Stakeholders have the power to:

  • provide funding or take it away
  • fill your workshops/events/exhibitions/etc. or leave them empty
  • offer major decisions that push the organization forward or into the ground
  • execute the project deliverables or completely screw up the deliverables
  • manage project team members' progress or allow the project to run awry
  • keep your vision/mission alive or completely skew your mission/vision