
List of 500+ Stakeholders

List of 500+ Stakeholders

Stakeholders have the power to:

  • provide funding or take it away
  • fill your workshops/events/exhibitions/etc. or leave them empty
  • offer major decisions that push the organization forward or into the ground
  • execute the project deliverables or completely screw up the deliverables
  • manage project team members' progress or allow the project to run awry
  • keep your vision/mission alive or completely skew your mission/vision

Strategic Alchemist


Introducing an addition to my Radical Care Bear title!

Strategic Planning + Femmifestation (Arts x Magic) = Strategic Alchemy

To be completely and fully honest, the phrase "strategic alchemy" came to me during my most recent meditation session last night. I had a vision of myself working with a team of feminine energy folks and we were breaking down a large idea into smaller task chunks. There was a white board with a flow chart, some technology to use for research, colourful markers, sticky notes littered around our table, and a room buzzing with excited productive energy.

The pieces leading up to this confirmation were:

(1) While listening to the Virtual Personal Assistant Podcast, listeners were invited to think about one task that they could do all day. After some thought I could only think of going to planning meetings breaking big ideas down into sizeable chunks and even smaller task lists. I even tweeted it because I was so excited!

(2) My sister in spirit, Natoya Hall, sat with me and we spoke about a skill that I hold deep inside of me. After a bit of discussion, the word that we settled on was "alchemy".

Thus was birthed my new title "Strategic Alchemist"!

21 Before 22

I was inspired by A Beautiful Mess to make a goal list of 21 things to do before I am 22.