
80+ Quotes from Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Rana Florida

80+ Quotes from Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Rana Florida

Instead of developing a real strategy to upgrade and optimize our lives, too many of us just slog through life in a state of “managed dissatisfaction.”

But it’s never too late to envision an entirely different future—or to actively upgrade your life. It’s not about finding more time, money, or resources. Anyone can do it.

This smart and entertaining guide delves deep into each principle, giving you the insights, tools, and inspiration to take your life from ordinary to extraordinary.

Success: Step by Step - Weekly Goals

Success: Step by Step - Weekly Goals

As ya'll know, I've been laying out 2016 with the help of this fabulous article. Melissa Joy Kong shares:

When you break your monthly sub-goals down like this, you basically create a detailed road map for making stuff happen. It seems so obvious, but no one plans like this. That’s why most people fail (in addition to not creating strategies to eradicate triggers that lead to wasting time).

Success: Step by Step - Monthly Goals

Success: Step by Step - Monthly Goals

As 2015 dwindles to a close, I made more time to lay out my 2016 path. As a Capricorn I have a tendency to want to control as much as possible - this year taught me to be flexible and create guidelines instead of having strict expectations. Last time I outlined my yearly goals with the help and guidance of a fantastic article. As you probably already see, my large goals for 2016 are (1 - 60%) learning and research; (2 - 30%) employment and saving; (3 - 10%) health changes.