
You caught me! I was lying, I don't deserve it, and other fears from Imposter Syndrome

You caught me! I was lying, I don't deserve it, and other fears from Imposter Syndrome

In my opinion, attending a TEDx event is a signal of success and I felt like I didn't deserve to be in that space - I felt like a fraud.

Psychology calls this impostor syndrome.

80+ Quotes from Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Rana Florida

80+ Quotes from Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Rana Florida

Instead of developing a real strategy to upgrade and optimize our lives, too many of us just slog through life in a state of “managed dissatisfaction.”

But it’s never too late to envision an entirely different future—or to actively upgrade your life. It’s not about finding more time, money, or resources. Anyone can do it.

This smart and entertaining guide delves deep into each principle, giving you the insights, tools, and inspiration to take your life from ordinary to extraordinary.

Re-Think Your Life

What did I do wrong/right/poorly/well?

Who should I drop/find/mentor/befriend?

What can I do to better myself/opportunities/body/personality?