You caught me! I was lying, I don't deserve it, and other fears from Imposter Syndrome
70+ Quotes from How to Be Here by Rob Bell - Part Two
Have you ever heard someone on a stage or in the office or the classroom doing the work, but he’s simultaneously searching for someone to tell him how good, accomplished, skillful, or excellent he is? It’s as if he’s searching for applause in order to keep going you can sometimes see it in their eyes, this deeply unfulfilled sense that they are incomplete, that they need the strokes and affirmation of others to be content…
If you are looking for a particular response to bring you joy, that response may never come.
- Rob Bell, How To Be Here, p. 147
70+ Quotes from How to Be Here by Rob Bell - Part One
Far too often, we don’t start because we can’t get our minds around the entire thing. We don’t take the first step because we can’t figure out the seventeenth step.
But you don’t have to know the seventeenth step. You only have to know the first step. Because the first number is always 1.
Start with 1.
- Rob Bell, How To Be Here, p. 92
60+ Quotes from Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
People Will Judge Your Profile, Presentation, and Packaging
Coined by Cheskin, he recognized that "when people give an assessment of something they might buy in a supermarket or a department store, without realizing it, they transfer sensations or impressions that they have about the packaging of the product to the product itself...Cheskin believed that most of us don't make a distinction - on an unconscious level - between the package and the product. The product is the package and the product combined (Gladwell, p. 160)."
So what?