
As an Artist, Why should I care about the Triple Constraint?

As an Artist, Why should I care about the Triple Constraint?


The Triple Constraint is so important. I'm glad you asked the question because Imma break it down for you real quick.

When Multitasking Is Effective

When Multitasking Is Effective

Pair a cognitive activity with a physical activity. It seems like common sense, but sometimes folks need a reminder. Here are some examples of my favourite multitasking activities:

All-In-One Social Media Stream (Almost)

All-In-One Social Media Stream (Almost)

"80% of smartphone users check their phone within 15 minutes of waking up" - via constant contact

Leaving on a Jet Plane

"...despite my concerns, there's still time to enjoy the present and maybe I'll get the chance to travel in order to chase my own dreams!"

Re-Think Your Life

What did I do wrong/right/poorly/well?

Who should I drop/find/mentor/befriend?

What can I do to better myself/opportunities/body/personality?