
Why Can't You Get Anything Done? The Know-Do Gap for Artists.

The knowing-doing gap was popularized by Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton. The knowing-doing gap is essentially: You know what you have to do. But, the doing doesn’t happen. Therefore, the results don’t happen.

Below are a few examples of how the know-do gap can show up in your life:

  • I KNOW I have to start that essay my professor assigned us at the beginning of the semester, but I DO it two days before it’s due.

  • I KNOW I should be getting medical help for this reoccurring problem, but only until I start coughing up blood is when I DO it (this example is a bit extreme, but you get my drift).

80+ Quotes from Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Rana Florida

80+ Quotes from Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Rana Florida

Instead of developing a real strategy to upgrade and optimize our lives, too many of us just slog through life in a state of “managed dissatisfaction.”

But it’s never too late to envision an entirely different future—or to actively upgrade your life. It’s not about finding more time, money, or resources. Anyone can do it.

This smart and entertaining guide delves deep into each principle, giving you the insights, tools, and inspiration to take your life from ordinary to extraordinary.

Suburbia: Initially Re-Segregation and Now a Conformist, Repetitive, and Mundane Culture

One question I wonder is "Why choose to settle in the suburbs?"

Why You Should Follow Your Passions


As a budding artist, stumbling across The Passion Project by Andre'D. Wagner is thoroughly inspiring.

Look through it and feel the creativity flow through your veins as you dive into Andre' D. Wagner's passion.

"Living a life with passion will change your surroundings and the people that are in your life. Living a life with passion will organically mainfest as greatness in the things you are called to do and the people you meet. It will demand people around you to be and do their best and the energy will multiply tenfold. So, I guess the only thing I want in return from you, is for you to live harder, to work harder, to love harder, give harder...and to pursue your passion!"

- Andre' D. Wagner