Toronto community event photographer

Reflections & Thanks


Ryerson Black Students' Conference Looking back at my archiving experiences, there is little doubt of my growth; Grasping at as many opportunities that push me forward & towards my passions.

  •  I've never owned my own camera (still don't - shoutout to Drey Anozie, NIA Centre for the Arts, and The People Project for letting me borrow/rent your cameras)
  • I am pretty much self-taught with some mentorship, guidance, and youtube support along the way
  • I've shot 100+ events over 5 years (not including side projects and some work for community organizations)

Thank you everyone in the community who believe in me and the work that I do. Without your existence, I wouldn't be doing what I love.

Celebrating Tita Fely


Celebrating Tita Fely Our family gathered together to celebrate 1 year of my Tita Fely's passing. As always we had food, fun, and laughs. When I was younger (as a rebellious-ish teenager), I would skip out on family functions and prioritize work or other things. Now that our parents are entering their 50's we are recognizing the importance of family and gathering - myself especially.

My mom & my titas all bonded while they were younger and they all started having kids around the same time (Adam and I - the oldest - were born in the same year). These women set the grounds for my appreciation of chosen families.

Fam - Drawn by Cousin Josephine

The drawn pictures are by Sammie and Josephine. I brought markers because I knew the family would be split - parents downstairs, kids upstairs where the boys are playing video games and the girls chillin around the boys.

Tita Fely we love you.

Lola I love you.

Youth Biography Workshop

I've been socialized to not boast about myself and this sometimes hinders my writing and networking processes. I still haven't finished my biography…but an artist statement is in the process!

Slowly but surely I will be able to talk freely about myself without feeling fake or false.


“Celebrate yourself. No one will know you’re awesome unless you tell them.” That’s what award-winning multidisciplinary artist and educator, Kim Katrin Crosby, said to more than 30 young artists in a free workshop series at the Daniels Spectrum cultural centre. Youth across the Greater Toronto Area, came out to the workshop to learn how to write their unique artistic biographies and mission statements.

More at SNAP North York

Pfffft! Resolutions?!

Pfffft! Resolutions?!

I've given up on New Years Resolutions a few years ago because they were usually all the same (lose weight, have fun, save money, etc.). At the end of the year I would feel discouraged when I looked back on my list realizing I didn't fulfill most of my goals.

For more flexibility, I started utilizing __ before __ from the blogosphere around my 21st birthday. The __ before __ list has simply laid down a path for me to follow but I know I am free to stray from this path when more enriching opportunities and possibilities pop-up (or even ignore the path if necessary).

"Our parents tend to want us to do safe, secure jobs because they love us"

At the 5:21 mark, Ikenna Azuike started reiterating things I continuously tell myself; follow your passion. I may be struggling financially, but I know that I am in love with all of my archiving, community organizing, (un)learning, and sharing. I have never been bored and will only crave for more as I grow older. When I'm told that my 'extracurricular activities' are a waste of time, I use those harmful words as a motivation - I feed my monstrous drive with negatives in order to show people they are wrong.

A Sunday with Catherine Hernandez

A Sunday with Catherine Hernandez

Right after check-in Catherine introduced us to the concept of muse and ego. With artists our muse is also known as our intuition - where we trust our instincts and create whatever is necessary in the moment. The ego often hinders the creative spirit of the muse by re-enforcing socialized norms and rules. The activity required us to be vulnerable, make eye-contact one at a time with other participants then bust out a movement we were feeling in that particular moment. We did this three times to three different songs and I realized my ego is hella dominant. Simply "going with the flow" and "trusting my intuition" was tough for me - I was afraid of embarrasing myself by making the wrong type of movement. Thankfully, we will be doing two more workshops in the upcoming weeks, so I can learn how to quiet my screaming ego.

Strange Sisters: The Insatiable Redux

Strange Sisters: The Insatiable Redux

Sharing a little bit about my visual arts work being exhibited.

Suburbia: Initially Re-Segregation and Now a Conformist, Repetitive, and Mundane Culture

One question I wonder is "Why choose to settle in the suburbs?"

Beyond the Gender Binary: Yee Won chong TEDxRainier


Yee Won Chong shares a story about the challenges of navigating the world while transgender, and provides suggestions on being a good ally.

Yee Won Chong converts practical skills and experiences to train hundreds of grassroots activists on effective communication and fundraising for social, economic and environmental justice. He is currently Development Director at Western States Center, a regional non-profit that trains people to organize toward a just, equitable and democratic society. Before moving to the Northwest, he worked in Boston with United for a Fair Economy and Haymarket People's Fund. He is also involved with Alternatives for Community and Environment, Resource Generation, Progressive Communicators Network, and Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training.

This talk was given at TEDxRainier in Seattle on November 10, 2012. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Why You Should Follow Your Passions


As a budding artist, stumbling across The Passion Project by Andre'D. Wagner is thoroughly inspiring.

Look through it and feel the creativity flow through your veins as you dive into Andre' D. Wagner's passion.

"Living a life with passion will change your surroundings and the people that are in your life. Living a life with passion will organically mainfest as greatness in the things you are called to do and the people you meet. It will demand people around you to be and do their best and the energy will multiply tenfold. So, I guess the only thing I want in return from you, is for you to live harder, to work harder, to love harder, give harder...and to pursue your passion!"

- Andre' D. Wagner