Youth Biography Workshop

I've been socialized to not boast about myself and this sometimes hinders my writing and networking processes. I still haven't finished my biography…but an artist statement is in the process!

Slowly but surely I will be able to talk freely about myself without feeling fake or false.


“Celebrate yourself. No one will know you’re awesome unless you tell them.” That’s what award-winning multidisciplinary artist and educator, Kim Katrin Crosby, said to more than 30 young artists in a free workshop series at the Daniels Spectrum cultural centre. Youth across the Greater Toronto Area, came out to the workshop to learn how to write their unique artistic biographies and mission statements.

More at SNAP North York

A Sunday with Catherine Hernandez

A Sunday with Catherine Hernandez

Right after check-in Catherine introduced us to the concept of muse and ego. With artists our muse is also known as our intuition - where we trust our instincts and create whatever is necessary in the moment. The ego often hinders the creative spirit of the muse by re-enforcing socialized norms and rules. The activity required us to be vulnerable, make eye-contact one at a time with other participants then bust out a movement we were feeling in that particular moment. We did this three times to three different songs and I realized my ego is hella dominant. Simply "going with the flow" and "trusting my intuition" was tough for me - I was afraid of embarrasing myself by making the wrong type of movement. Thankfully, we will be doing two more workshops in the upcoming weeks, so I can learn how to quiet my screaming ego.

Strange Sisters: The Insatiable Redux

Strange Sisters: The Insatiable Redux

Sharing a little bit about my visual arts work being exhibited.

Suburbia: Initially Re-Segregation and Now a Conformist, Repetitive, and Mundane Culture

One question I wonder is "Why choose to settle in the suburbs?"

"I used to hold a mop for a living..."


I used to hold a mop for a living...You can say that I have been a hard worker since a very young age. The thing about it is that I didn’t know that I was working hard. I just knew that I was doing what needed to be done. I was emulating my mother’s work ethic. - Glenford Nunez

I am a person who often listens to people's stories. As I my imagination weaves images with the words people share with me, all the trials and tribulations youth go through...especially in my community, I can't help but feel in the depths of my heart that they will succeed.

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Why Do I Blog?

There are are so many beautiful souls who are currently experiencing - and struggling through - what Glenford Nunez (a popular Baltimore photographer) once experienced.

Despite their current struggles, I know youth are enduring hard times and working effortlessly to follow their passions. So, I want to give a huge shout out to all of the amazing Toronto youth in the community who are working their butts off to grow and evolve in every aspect of their life!

With love, Fonna-Tasha