GUEST POST: Practical Networking Tips for Film Festivals and Conferences By Victoria Buchy from Velvet Icons Productions

GUEST POST: Practical Networking Tips for Film Festivals and Conferences By Victoria Buchy from Velvet Icons Productions

Does networking make you a little bit uncomfortable? Are you unsure what to say or do when you enter the room? We’ve put together some practical networking strategies and questions to help you feel confident and ready to mingle.

50+ Quotes from The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim

50+ Quotes from The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim

Early in 2019 I was really busy with work and my downtime involved visiting the local library. This book caught my eye and I had to pick it up. It took so long to get through because I would be mulling over a section of the book. I recommend it for anyone who also needs some time to slow down and reflect.

Each chapter focused on a specific topic:

  • Chapter 1: Rest

  • Chapter 2: Mindfulness

  • Chapter 3: Passion

  • Chapter 4: Relationships

  • Chapter 5: Love

  • Chapter 6: Life

  • Chapter 7: The Future

  • Chapter 8: Spirituality

70+ Quotes from Creative Confidence by Tom Kelley and David Kelley

70+ Quotes from Creative Confidence by Tom Kelley and David Kelley

When you hear the word “creativity,” what do you think of next?
If you are like many people, your mind immediately leaps to artistic endeavors like sculpture, drawing, music, or dance.

You may equate “creative” with “artistic”.
You may believe that architects and designers are paid to be creative thinkers, but CEOs, lawyers, and doctors are not.
Or you may feel that being creative is a fixed trait, like having brown eyes -either you’re born with creative genes, or you’re not.

We have come to see this set of misconceptions as “the creativity myth.” It is a myth that far too many people share. This book is about the opposite of that myth.

It is about what we call “creative confidence.”
And at its foundation is the belief that we are all creative.

The truth is, we all have far more creative potential waiting to be tapped.
- Tom Kelley & David Kelley, Creative Confidence, p. 1

30+ Quotes from Cold Hard Truth: On Business, Money, & Life by Kevin O'Leary

30+ Quotes from Cold Hard Truth: On Business, Money, & Life by Kevin O'Leary

When reading this book, I was re-affirmed that I like to shift between entrepreneur/freelancer and employee. I like the safety and comfort of working for a company, but I also like the freedom and flexibility of being an entrepreneur/freelancer. Everyone is able to learn a lesson from the book, regardless if they are an employer or employee.

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso - Book Summary

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso - Book Summary

Near the end of 2018, while working on a short project, I did something out of the ordinary.

I did something extremely far from what I was used to. It was worlds away from my comfort zone. My hands were sweaty, I stared at the computer screen where I prepared talking points, and I occasionally glanced out the window to a busy street out of nervousness. I tried not to stutter while we were talking about numbers.

So what did I do? What happened?

Nine Productive Things To Do During Downtime

Nine Productive Things To Do During Downtime

#8 - Share your gratitude

Have you ever recieved a shout-out on social media or a personalized thank you note? Then you know how special it feels to have someone show how grateful they are to you. Gratitude is highly underrated. Take some time to say thank you to loved ones, team members, mentors, etc. Schedule shout- out posts on Twitter and Instagram, call your extended family, mail a thank you letter to the person, say I love you to your beloved and explain in detail why you love them, if you are a person who prays offer gratitude in that way.

Ten Lessons in 2018

Ten Lessons in 2018

I have a secret. Don’t tell people, okay?
When I very little funds in my bank accounts, I have an internal crisis. I ask myself questions like “What is my purpose?”, “Why am I even here?”, “How am I meant to help change the world?”, “What’s the point?”, or “Is this all there is?”. I might as well be having a mid-life crisis. But then, an invoice is paid or a new opportunity falls into my lap, and I’m my productive and motivated self again. This happens to the best of us - we stray from our path, but then find it again.