Raise Your Hand If You're A 20-Something & Are Scared Of All The Potential You Hold.

Raise Your Hand If You're A 20-Something & Are Scared Of All The Potential You Hold.

Dreams give us a direction but they stay in our heads.

We need to change dreams into visions that have actionable steps behind them. A person can dream for days but nothing will get done until you take the first step.

Need some help? Here is a snippet of an article that I read this morning that got me motivated:

2) Use "Minimum Viable Effort"

Want to floss more often? Okay, just floss one tooth. Sound silly? That’s fine. Just like your mom told you: focus on baby steps

"Our parents tend to want us to do safe, secure jobs because they love us"

At the 5:21 mark, Ikenna Azuike started reiterating things I continuously tell myself; follow your passion. I may be struggling financially, but I know that I am in love with all of my archiving, community organizing, (un)learning, and sharing. I have never been bored and will only crave for more as I grow older. When I'm told that my 'extracurricular activities' are a waste of time, I use those harmful words as a motivation - I feed my monstrous drive with negatives in order to show people they are wrong.

A Sunday with Catherine Hernandez

A Sunday with Catherine Hernandez

Right after check-in Catherine introduced us to the concept of muse and ego. With artists our muse is also known as our intuition - where we trust our instincts and create whatever is necessary in the moment. The ego often hinders the creative spirit of the muse by re-enforcing socialized norms and rules. The activity required us to be vulnerable, make eye-contact one at a time with other participants then bust out a movement we were feeling in that particular moment. We did this three times to three different songs and I realized my ego is hella dominant. Simply "going with the flow" and "trusting my intuition" was tough for me - I was afraid of embarrasing myself by making the wrong type of movement. Thankfully, we will be doing two more workshops in the upcoming weeks, so I can learn how to quiet my screaming ego.

Strange Sisters: The Insatiable Redux

Strange Sisters: The Insatiable Redux

Sharing a little bit about my visual arts work being exhibited.

Leaving on a Jet Plane

"...despite my concerns, there's still time to enjoy the present and maybe I'll get the chance to travel in order to chase my own dreams!"