All-In-One Social Media Stream (Almost)


"80% of smartphone users check their phone within 15 minutes of waking up" - via constant contact

GUILTY! I check instagram first. If I have time I'll check a few Twitter lists or my Facebook page. Recently, I've been able to ensure that my start time is flexible so I can spend those extra moments reading a blog post or look up what's trending on Black Twitter.

At least one day every two weeks I am listening, sharing, commenting, liking, and writing down content ideas.

Social media listening, also known as social media monitoring, is the process of identifying and assessing what is being said about a company, individual, product or brand on the Internet. - via TechTarget

My favourite free tool at the moment is Hootsuite. It houses my Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn feeds (sadly, it doesn't show what's happening on Facebook). My life changed when I could put them all in one area instead of opening a bunch of apps on my tablet. Social media listening has never been so easy. I can have feeds that are searching keywords - KEYWORDS! The game is changing and it is exciting.

Do you ever have a great flow going, and all you want to do is post a bunch of random things at once? That's when I use hootsuite. If you have multiple platforms, try it out and share with me your experience!

What app do you open right away when you wake up?