The Most Powerful Investment We Can Ever Make

the single most powerful investment we can ever make in life quote steven covey.png

February 14, 2017. The day my life really pivoted for the better.

I rose out of bed to a 5AM alarm.  I got ready for the day and finally went to the gym (at this time I haven't entered a gym in over a year). 7AM, the fitness class started and I was ready. 

On Valentines Day I made a commitment to myself without realizing it.

The trigger was back in November 2016 when I started getting gruesome nightmares when I ate too much meat (so I transitioned to pescatarian life). January helped solidify my commitment to myself when I went to school for project management. In March I facilitated my first project management workshop. In April I realized I don't deal with endings very well. In May, adulthood came rushing into my life as I moved in with my friend (and now roommate). At the end of August, I secured a job doing project coordination with This is Worldtown while in Atlanta.

After watching Dear Zindagi (and procrastinating), I was reminded that emoting is important and also letting go of things you like a lot is sometimes better than holding onto it.

One of the best decisions I made for myself in 2017:

Stay committed.

One more time, just for good measure:


Completely Unrelated Fun fact about Fonna:

I adore Shah Rukh Khan and will squeal and fangirl for the end of time. 

Please savor this delightful slideshow as much as I do.

*squeals and clutches friend's arm while blushing 100x*